Star Grad – Las Vegas High School

Star Grad – Las Vegas High School

Rhanalya is a hardworking and diligent individual who excels both inside and outside the classroom. As a member of our Student Council, Video Production team, and as an athlete, she has shown remarkable commitment to her extracurricular activities, going above and beyond to contribute positively to our school community. Rhanalya’s involvement in various activities showcases her strong work ethic, leadership skills, and collaborative spirit.

Academically, Rhanalya stands out as a scholar with an unweighted GPA of 3.39 and a weighted GPA of 4.21, positioning her as a candidate for the Advanced Honors Diploma. Beyond her impressive academic achievements, Rhanalya possesses a genuine thirst for knowledge, actively engaging in class discussions and demonstrating a deep understanding of the subjects she studies. One of Rhanalya’s most commendable qualities is her willingness to help others. She is always ready to assist teachers, staff, and her peers, creating a supportive and inclusive environment within our school. Her compassionate nature and strong sense of responsibility make her a valuable asset to any academic community.

To learn more about this year’s Star Grads, please visit