Star Grad – Mission High School

Star Grad – Mission High School

Hard to believe that the reticent student who came to Mission High School last year would become one of the most funny, creative, and dependable additions to our Mission family. Jennifer Briones is Mission High School’s Star Graduate because she has made great strides to be the success story she is today and she doesn’t allow her friends to falter in their own journey of recovery.

Jennifer never thought she would graduate from high school let alone take AP classes. Because she took charge of turning her life around, she began to see real possibilities for her future. She is enrolled in two AP classes this year and was elected as the Student Body Secretary for Student Council. With her newfound inner strength and over a year of being clean and sober, Jennifer has been able to give her close friends the same kind of support. She helps them stay on track with their attendance in school and recovery meetings.

With her killer nails, her artistic endeavors, and her hilarious character, Jennifer has truly left an indelible mark on so many teachers, students, and staff members. We look forward to seeing the next best thing she chooses to do.


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