CCSD Board of School Trustees meeting recap – Sept. 9, 2021

Agenda Item 5.01 Focus on the Future for Kids Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Update

The Clark County School District (CCSD) Board of School Trustees received a presentation from District leadership on the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) process, community input, and spending priorities.

The presentation included a breakdown of the total allotment of ESSER III monies and a review of the 90-day timeline, from allocation by the state of Nevada to CCSD in early July to the submission of the CCSD plan on how the monies will be allocated locally to the Nevada Department of Education on September 10.

In order to address the needs of the community, the District provided for several methods of data collection.


    • More than 60 organizations gathered input from their stakeholders on the future they want to see for CCSD, representing perspectives of over 2,200 community members.


    • With a goal of convening a representative cross-section of our diverse community, three community members from each CCSD Region were selected to serve on a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to help synthesize the input received from the Community Input Conversations.


    • 13,000+ community members weighed in on CCSD’s vision for the future and how recovery funds should be spent.

CCSD aligned its ARP ESSER III spending priorities to the District’s strategic plan, Focus: 2024. In the coming months and years, CCSD’s work will be guided by the strategic plan and informed by community input identified through the Focus on the Future for Kids: Community Input Process.

The Board of School Trustees voted unanimously to approve the plan and submit it to the Nevada Department of Education.

To view the documents related to this item, here, here, here and here

Agenda Item 5.03 Human Resources Division Recruitment Update

Chief Human Resources Officer Nadine Jones and members of the Human Resources Recruitment Department provided the Board of School Trustees with an update on school and department recruitment efforts by the District as they align with benchmarks established by the Focus: 2024 Strategic Plan.

The presentation included strategies implemented by the District that are based on the Recruitment and Retention Commission. The successes outlined include new recruitment and marketing efforts through social media, the development of a program for an earlier hiring cycle and a mentoring program for new principals.

Along with the implemented strategies, the Human Resources department has expanded efforts to increase workforce diversity through the creation of a Diversity and Inclusion Work Group.

The group has drafted goals and objectives for demonstrating the value of a diverse workforce on student achievement and school success.

To view the documents related to this item click here.