Recent data show us that categorical programs funded by the Legislature and Governor’s Office have helped the Clark County School District make progress in closing the opportunity gap and ensuring that all students receive a rich and rigorous education.

CCSD has seen across-the-board gains made by the majority of students in Zoom, Victory and Senate Bill 178 programs.

However, the incremental increases are not enough, and we have taken a deep dive into the data to determine what is and is not working, and what adjustments must be made to increase student achievement and maximize taxpayer dollars.

In the upcoming legislative session, CCSD will advocate for more flexibility with accountability for categorical funds. The district will identify research-based strategies that schools will implement to ensure every student receives the support he or she needs to graduate ready for college or career. Strategies will be identified in FOCUS: 2024, the District’s five-year strategic plan.

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Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: (702) 799 – CCSD

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