Lynn is a highly articulate young person with many talents and a diligent work ethic. Lynn is truly a dedicated student. A quick glimpse of her transcript will reveal that she is the Silverado High School, Class of 2022 Valedictorian. Earning this prestigious award takes stamina and steadfast erudition; both of which Lynn has manifested while taking the most difficult level of course rigor on our campus and independently studying for an AP Exam for a class that we did not offer. I am thrilled to report she passed the exam.
Beyond Lynn’s academic prowess and dedication, she is involved both on and off her campus on many levels. She is the President of the Mu Alpha Theta math tutoring club which assists many of our students who have math deficits and need extra assistance. She co-founded the Mahjong Club on our campus and relishes in teaching others how to play this strategy-based game. Finally, one of her proudest accomplishments is leading a team of individuals that helps raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
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