Star Grad – Morris Sunset East High School

Star Grad – Morris Sunset East High School

Trenton Harris is a passionate and determined student who is committed to achieving his goals. Trenton’s work in class, whether writing or demonstrating skills, is of a high standard, which clearly shows his dedication to his craft. His commitment to the school community is further demonstrated through his active participation in various school activities that promote student engagement and social awareness. Apart from his active involvement in school activities, Trenton’s positive character and high aspirations are genuinely inspiring. His pleasant demeanor and deep knowledge of his craft make him capable of achieving great things in the future. Trenton would like to go away to college for mechanical engineering or computer science. During his time at Morris Sunset East High School, Trenton has earned 19 dual credit college credits and will be graduating early as a junior. For all these reasons and more, we believe that Trenton Harris is a deserving candidate for the title of Star Graduate of Morris Sunset East High School.

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