Star Grad – Central Technical Training Academy

Star Grad – Central Technical Training Academy

Luis Fernando Cortez Salguero embodies the academic excellence and personal qualities and skills of a CCSD Star Graduate. During his time at Central Technical Training Academy, Luis has excelled both academically and in terms of his college and career readiness. Throughout high school, Luis has maintained a strong GPA, even while taking on rigorous coursework, including honors and dual enrollment courses. Luis has completely immersed himself in all opportunities and experiences at Central Tech with attending industry tours and guest speaker events, participating in career readiness workshops and activities, and representing Central Tech at CTSO conferences. Currently, Luis serves as secretary for both SkillsUSA and TSA and competes for our Central Tech Cyborgs robotics team. We are so proud of all that Luis has accomplished. His ardent enthusiasm for learning and unceasing optimism contribute so much to our school community; any post-secondary institution or business will be fortunate to have Luis as a team member. We look forward to hearing about all of his future endeavors.