The Clark County School District (CCSD) launched the Panorama Education Staff Survey this week. The survey is intended to identify baseline data and assistance for employees. Questions are focused on staff well-being, sense of belonging and staff-leadership relationships.
The CCSD Board of School Trustees approved the survey during the Dec. 10, 2020 public board meeting to assist in guiding staff to services and resources as needed.
“The Clark County School District Board of School Trustees values the health and well-being of staff,” said CCSD Board of School Trustees President Lola Brooks. “We are thankful that the Panorama Education Staff Survey will allow the District to gauge how we can better serve our employees during this difficult time.”
The staff survey only takes a few minutes to complete and is available from now until Friday, Jan. 29, 2021. The survey, provided to all employees by email, will be instrumental in providing feedback that is essential to compiling baseline data that may assist CCSD with identifying support and assistance for employees. Employees can skip questions they do not feel comfortable answering. The survey is confidential and responses will only be provided to the district in aggregate data form.
“Our staff is working harder than ever to ensure our students continue to receive the quality of instruction they deserve during distance education and, as superintendent of schools, I want to ensure we clearly understand the challenges our staff members face,” said CCSD Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara. “The Panorama Education Staff Survey will allow us to gather crucial information and allow us to provide the support and assistance our employees need. I encourage all CCSD staff to take the survey.”
The survey is supported by the Clark County Association of School Administrators Professional-Technical Employees (CCASAPE), Clark County Education Association (CCEA), Education Support Employees Association (ESEA) and the Police Administrators Association of the CCSD Police Department (PAA). CCSD has reached out to the Police Officers Association of CCSD (POA) about the survey as well.
“The Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees takes seriously the mental health and well-being of our members and all the employees of the Clark County School District. It is our sincere wish that the district will use the information gleaned from this service to provide necessary care and support for any member of the CCSD family who is in need,” said CCASAPE President Derek Bellow.
“During these unprecedented times, we often hear the stress levels that students and educators face on a daily basis. It is important to understand the toll our current circumstances have had not only on students, but on educators as well. CCEA believes that educators are unable to best support students’ well-being, unless they first take care of their own well-being,” said CCEA President Marie Neisess.
“As educators, we are all well aware that social and emotional needs of our kids as well as our colleagues is nothing new. These services were needed before the pandemic and they will be needed during the pandemic, and after. There is no substitute for keeping an eye on our kids and the goal of this program is just that – ensure the well-being of our students. Based on the data thus far, this is a program that’s working, so we believe the District should apply it on a larger scale,” said ESEA President Jan Giles. “We stand in support of the Program and approve the Panorama Education platform so that we can continue working on this important issue for our community.”
“The members of the Police Administrators Association (PAA) are elated to support the efforts of the District to ensure the overall well-being of CCSD’s staff and students,” said PAA President Captain Ken Young.
Panorama Education partners work with over 1,500 school districts across the country, including the Washoe County School District and the Nevada Department of Education, to collect, analyze, and assist educators to improve student outcomes in Social Emotional Learning (SEL), school climate, family engagement and Multi-Tiered System of Supports. CCSD will utilize Panorama’s universal SEL and well-being screener for students in Grades 3-12, as well as CCSD staff.
CCSD is committed to the mental and socio-emotional health of employees and the District continues to focus on improving employee wellness and benefit offerings. Those benefit offerings include The Life Connection Employee Assistance and Worklife Program (TLC) that is available to Support Professionals, Police and Police Administrators, Licensed Professionals and Administrators. TLC provides employees and household members immediate and confidential support for a wide range of life management needs. The program is available free of charge to all eligible employees and their households.
The TLC Employee Assistance Plan is provided by Behavioral Healthcare Options (BHO). For more information about this important new program, employees may contact BHO at 1-800-280-3782 or visit the EAP website at At the website,
an employee may click on “I am a member,” select “Work-Life Resources,” and enter “CCSD” when prompted for a company code. To learn more about the program, employees may visit and click on The Life Connections video.
Additional mental wellness and community resources are also available online to continue supporting students, families and staff.