CCSD launches annual summer reading campaign

CCSD launches annual summer reading campaign

The Clark County School District (CCSD) encourages students and families to share their summer love of reading with our annual social media campaign, #ReadWithMeCCSD.

CCSD recommends that students read for at least 30 minutes a day to continue building their literacy skills through the summer break. Students can choose to read a book, magazine, comic book, newspaper or listen to an audiobook.

To participate, parents and students must post photos of their reading adventures using the hashtag #ReadWithMeCCSD. All posts must include the student’s first name, CCSD school and ensure public view settings are activated on X, Facebook or Instagram to be eligible to win a prize. CCSD students taking on the challenge are encouraged to find creative ways to submit photos:

  • Post a picture of your child or family reading in an interesting place 
  • Post a picture of your child reading something interesting, other than a book
  • Post a picture of your child reading to a sibling, pet, or other fascinating friends

Those who don’t have social media are encouraged to participate by submitting photos via email to Parents also have the option to share a photo only using the hashtag, while separately emailing their student’s name, school and photo. All photos must be posted or emailed on or before July 26, 2024. 

CCSD encourages students to visit their local public library to borrow books or other reading materials. Students have the opportunity to participate in summer reading challenges hosted by their local library.

Learn more about the summer reading campaign by visiting the Read With Me CCSD website.