CCSD celebrates Week of Respect, Oct. 2-6
The Clark County School District (CCSD) will observe the Week of Respect during the first week of October, beginning Monday, Oct. 2 through Friday, Oct. 6. Schools across the District will participate in activities all week to emphasize a safe and respectful learning environment.
CCSD students and staff are encouraged to “Get Your Blue On” on Friday, Oct. 6 by wearing blue. This unifying gesture demonstrates that CCSD is committed to reducing instances of discrimination based on race, bullying, or cyberbullying in our schools and treating each other with respect.
Several resources are available to students and families regarding discrimination based on race, bullying, or cyberbullying and creating positive learning environments including SafeVoice and the Nevada Department of Education’s dedicated website providing resources on discrimination based on race, bullying, or cyberbullying prevention for students, families, and school staff.
Share images or videos of your school’s Week of Respect activities on social media using the #CCSDGetYourBlueOn and make sure to tag CCSD.
Pledge to be an Upstander in your community:
I believe everybody has the right to live in a community where they feel safe, included, accepted, valued, and respected regardless of their differences. I make a commitment to stand up against discrimination based on race, bullying, or cyberbullying. I will treat others with respect and kindness. I will have the courage not to bully. I will not be a bystander. It is my responsibility to report discrimination based on race, bullying, or cyberbullying. I pledge to be respectful of others and to stand up against discrimination based on race, bullying, or cyberbullying whenever and wherever I see it.