CCSD Board of Trustee Meeting Recap, Aug. 13, 2020

LAS VEGAS – Agenda Item 3.17 – Internet Connectivity Services – Cox Communications

The Clark County School District (CCSD) Board of School Trustees unanimously approved the purchase of Connect2Compete connections for qualifying students in CCSD households for the period of one year up to the approved amount of $4,800,000.00. The connections are being purchased through the Technology and Information Systems Services Division using the General Fund and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant. 

The Cox Connect2Compete program for CCSD will provide high speed internet and a comprehensive suite of online safety software tools including Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant filtering, which will block students from accessing dangerous or inappropriate websites when they are connected to the internet through their devices.

In order to support the District’s distance learning needs and the long-term goal for 1:1 device distribution, some households will require home internet with Wi-Fi for students to be connected to the CCSD learning management system, communication and collaboration systems, and online tools and resources to participate and succeed with their distance education.

Reference materials on this agenda item can be found here

Agenda Item 3.18 – Cellular Hotspot Internet Connectivity Services – Kajeet

The CCSD Board of School Trustees unanimously approved the purchase of Kajeet mobile hotspots for qualifying students in CCSD households for the period of one year, up to the approved amount of $1,800,000.00 . The purchase of this technology support will assist households with home internet Wi-Fi for students to be connected to the CCSD learning management system, communication and collaboration systems, and online tools and resources to participate and succeed with their distance education. 

The Kajeet hotspots will provide high speed internet with unlimited data, and Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant filtering, which will block students from accessing dangerous or inappropriate websites when they are connected to the Internet through their devices.

Reference materials on this agenda item can be found here.

Agenda Item 5.01 – Human Capital Management System Update – HCM Remediation Status

CCSD Board of School Trustees heard a presentation and update from Mike N. Del Prado, Project Recovery Manager of Prado Corp. regarding the remediation status update on the CCSD Human Capital Management (HCM) system. 

To date, the delivery team has either satisfied or submitted for district review, 95% of all recommended remediation tasks. The remaining 5% is actively being addressed. The unified delivery team is made up of CCSD personnel, CherryRoad Technologies and Prado Corp. 

The goal of the collaboration is to analyze the HCM system and provide actionable objectives to improve system efficiencies. 

Reference materials on this agenda item can be found here.

Agenda Item 6.01 – Superintendent Communication

Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara introduced those who are recommended for hire as a principal with CCSD.

  • Melissa Roehm – Selected as the new principal for Whitney Elementary School.
    • Most recently served as assistant principal at John C. Fremont Middle School.
  • Jennifer Wright – Selected as the new principal for Helen Marie Smith Elementary School. 
    • Most recently served as assistant principal and acting principal at Helen Marie Smith Elementary School. 
  • Palmer (Pam) Jackson – Selected as the new principal for Helen J. Stewart Special School. 
    • Most recently served as assistant principal at Swainston Middle School and Parson Elementary School. 

Superintendent Jara also announced the appointment of Ms. Meredith Freeman as a parent representative on the CCSD School Name Committee for a two-year term through September 2022. 

Ms. Freeman is a parent representative living in Trustee Cepeda’s, District D, but has been a resident of Clark County since 1997. She is a mother of students at Hyde Park Middle School, and is active in many other community organizations.

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Clark County School District
5100 W. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: (702) 799 – CCSD

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