CCSD Board of School Trustees meeting recap, Sept. 22, 2022
The Clark County (CCSD) School District Board of School Trustees received a presentation about the District’s grading reform.
Through the work of the principal-led Grading Reform Committee, the District has identified four priority areas to focus efforts to ensure accurate, meaningful grades supportive of student learning. The multi-year plan addresses the following changes:
Implement an equal (balanced) grading scale.
Remove behavior from the grading process.
Implement a consistent reassessment policy to include opportunities for reflection, revision, and reassessment in order to ensure mastery of the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS) and District curriculum for all students.
Implement consistent weighting and categories in the Infinite Campus Grade Book for recording formative and summative assessments.
Guidelines have been developed alongside school leaders and educators and provided to all schools ensuring consistent expectations for learners while also providing flexibility. The embedded flexibility acknowledges schools are in different places of their implementation of grading reform efforts.
Preliminary data after this first year of implementation show fewer students receiving a failing grade across all student groups as well as an increase in students receiving a grade of “A”.
To view more about this agenda item, click here.