CCSD Board of School Trustees meeting recap, Jan. 25
Correction: Please see the corrected language highlighted below regarding Agenda Item 4.03:
The agreement reclassifies elementary school assistant principals from Step 40 to Step 41, and an increase in the cost-of-living adjustment provided in the second year of the 2023-2025 negotiated agreement from two percent to three percent.
Agenda Item 3.01 – Winter MAP Growth
The Clark County School District (CCSD) Board of School Trustees received a presentation on the Winter MAP growth results in support of Focus: 2024. The MAP growth assessment is provided to students in Kindergarten to Grade 10 in reading and mathematics. The computer-adaptive test is designed to measure individual student achievement and growth over time during fall, winter, and spring. The Winter MAP Growth results detailed students in Grades 3-12 projected reading proficiencies and projected math proficiencies for students in Grades 3-8.
To view the documents related to this agenda item, click here.
Agenda Item 4.05 – Public Hearing On and Possible Approval of the New Negotiated Agreement of 2023–2025 and Memorandum of Agreement between the Clark County School District and the Clark County Education Association
Trustees approved a new, tentative agreement between CCSD and the Clark County Education Association (CCEA). The tentative agreement includes:
- New Licensed Professional Salary Table effective July 1, 2023, with an implementation date of February 1, 2024. All new licensed employees hired after January 31, 2024, will be placed on the new approved salary schedule.
- Salaries raised by ten percent in the first year and eight percent in the second year for all active and eligible licensed employees
- One-step advancement for all licensed employees on the approved salary schedule each year of the 2023-2025 negotiated agreement
- Increased health insurance contribution of $78.63 from CCSD in the first year and $66.19 in the second year
- Increase of 1.875 percent to PERS contribution utilizing Senate Bill (SB) 231 funds
- Extended Day Extracurricular Pay modified to adhere to new approved salary schedule and Extra Pay Rate for Instructional Services increased to $50 per hour
- The term of the Agreement runs for two years through June 30, 2025.
- Allocated SB 231 funds to Special Education and Hard to Fill Positions
The total fiscal impact related to the changes is approximately $525 million for the 2023-2024 school year.
To view the documents related to this agenda item, click here and here.
Agenda Item 4.02 – Public Hearing On and Possible Approval of the New Memorandum of Agreement between the Clark County School District and the Education Support Employees Association Regarding Recruitment and Retention Incentives to School-Based Education Support Professionals
Trustees approved a new agreement between CCSD and the Education Support Employees Association (ESEA) containing a provision of recruitment and retention incentives for school-based education support professionals. A support professional assigned to a specific school site will be eligible for incentive during the 2023-2024 school year. The additional cost associated with the agreement is approximately $21.4 million.
To view the documents related to this agenda item, click here and here.
Agenda Item 4.03 – Public Hearing On and Possible Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Clark County School District and the Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Regarding Reclassification of Elementary School Assistant Principals and Increase in Cost-of-Living Adjustment in Second Year of 2023-2025 Negotiated Agreement
Trustees approved a new agreement between CCSD and the Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees (CCASAPE). The agreement reclassifies elementary school assistant principals from Step 40 to Step 41, and an increase in the cost-of-living adjustment provided in the second year of the 2023-2025 negotiated agreement from two percent to three percent. The additional costs total approximately $4 million.
To view the documents related to this agenda item, click here and here.