Agenda Item 5.03 – 5.08 – Memoranda of Agreement with bargaining units regarding transition to Hybrid Instructional Model
The Clark County School District (CCSD) Board of School Trustees approved separate Memoranda of Agreement with the Clark County Education Association (CCEA), Education Support Employees Association (ESEA) and the Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees (CCASAPE).
The agreements detail steps being taken to address safety concerns and support the transition to the Hybrid Instructional Model beginning on March 1, 2021.
“We are excited and appreciative that our collective bargaining units that represent our hard-working employees continue to put our students first so that we can make a safe return to face-to-face instruction,” said CCSD Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara. “Thank you to the leadership at the Clark County Education Association, Education Support Employees Association and the Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees for helping to ensure our employees’ safety and concerns are addressed.”
To view the document related to the CCEA agenda item, click here.
To view the document related to the CCASAPE agenda item, click here.
To view the document related to the ESEA agenda item, click here.
Agenda Item 3.04 – COVID-19 Testing and Screening: emocha Mobile Health, Inc.
Trustees approved a contract with emocha Mobile Health, Inc. to provide daily symptom screening and testing management of software and services. The $1.3 million contract will be effective Feb. 12, 2021 through Feb. 10, 2022 and be funded through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) allocation
grant under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
To view the document related to this agenda item, click here.
Agenda Item 3.05 – COVID-19 Testing: Fulgent Genetics.
The Board of Trustees approved a contract with Fulgent Genetics to provide randomized, mandatory COVID-19 testing for all CCSD employees. The company will provide randomized, mandatory COVID-19 testing for approximately ten to 20 percent of all CCSD employees. The testing will be funded through CARES Act funding at an estimated cost of $2 million
To view the document related to this agenda item, click here.