CCSD Anti-racism, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce

CCSD Anti-racism, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce

Information about the Anti-racism, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce can be found here

The Public Interest Anti-racism Policy Form invites a diverse group of community members, policy experts, and advocates who are interested in contributing to the development of an anti-racism policy for the Clark County School District.

The Public Interest Anti-racism Policy Form will use criteria for the equitable and inclusive vetting of community members, policy experts, and advocates capacities to effectively and efficiently assist with the anti-racism policy for the Clark County School District. The criteria includes equitable and inclusive representation, individual integrity, and individual capacity.

Because this document is a public record, the information you provide is subject to disclosure upon request pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 239. Do not include any information on this form that you are not willing to have released to the public.

Please complete the Public Interest Anti-racism Policy Form below to log your individual or organization’s interest in participating in the development of an anti-racism policy. Note, the Public Interest Anti-racism Policy Form has been extended until Friday, July 2, 2021. The Public Interest Anti-racism Policy Form can be filled out in English and Spanish.