Hannah Marie Brown has lived in Las Vegas since 1945. She’s dedicated much of her life to giving back to her community and providing assistance and encouragement in education.
Since 1999, Ms. Brown has raised nearly $400,000 in scholarship funds for local high school and college students to continue their education. Hundreds of Clark County School District (CCSD) students have also received scholarship assistance through the Hannah Brown Community Development Corporation. She has served on various advisory committees for CCSD and was inducted as a member of the CCSD Excellence in Education Hall of Fame. She continues to advocate for education and serves on different community boards.
Ms. Brown wanted to provide basic educational and academic assistance to elementary school students outside of the classroom and created the successful Saturday School Tutorial Program at Matt Kelly Elementary School. Through this program, students acquired better study habits, learned the importance of daily reading, and showed significant improvement in their state test scores.
Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School opened in 2021.

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Clark County School District
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Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: (702) 799 – CCSD

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