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Lola Brooks, Vice President – District E
Lola Brooks, Vice President – District E
Linda P. Cavazos, Member – District G
Linda P. Cavazos, Member – District G
Chris Garvey, Member – District B
Chris Garvey, Member – District B
Irene A. Cepeda, President – District D
Irene A. Cepeda, President – District D
Danielle Ford, District F
Danielle Ford, District F
Deanna L. Wright, Member – District A
Deanna L. Wright, Member – District A
Dr. Linda E. Young, District C
Dr. Linda E. Young, District C


Dr. Jesus F. Jara, Superintendent
Dr. Jesus F. Jara, Superintendent
Dr. Diane Gullett, Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Diane Gullett, Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Mike Barton, Chief of Staff, Equity, and Community Partnerships
Dr. Mike Barton, Chief of Staff, Equity, and Community Partnerships
Dr. Christopher Bernier, Chief of Staff
Dr. Christopher Bernier, Chief of Staff
Jason Goudie, Chief Financial Officer
Jason Goudie, Chief Financial Officer
Nadine Jones, Chief Human Resources Officer
Nadine Jones, Chief Human Resources Officer
Mike Casey, Chief Operations Officer
Mike Casey, Chief Operations Officer
Eleissa Lavelle, General Counsel
Eleissa Lavelle, General Counsel
Dr. Brenda Larsen-Mitchell
Dr. Brenda Larsen-Mitchell
Andre Long, Chief Community Engagement Officer
Andre Long, Chief Community Engagement Officer
Grant Hanevold, Region Superintendent
Grant Hanevold, Region Superintendent
Debbie Brockett, Region Superintendent
Debbie Brockett, Region Superintendent
Dr. Karla Loria, Chief Academic Officer
Dr. Karla Loria, Chief Academic Officer
Alaina Criner-Wilson, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction Division
Alaina Criner-Wilson, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction Division
Ann Hembrook, School Associate Superintendent
Ann Hembrook, School Associate Superintendent
Dr. Samuel Scavella, Assistant Superintendent, Equity, and Diversity Education Department
Dr. Samuel Scavella, Assistant Superintendent, Equity, and Diversity Education Department
Lorna James-Cervantes, School Associate Superintendent
Lorna James-Cervantes, School Associate Superintendent
Jill Pendleton, School Associate Superintendent
Jill Pendleton, School Associate Superintendent
Dr. Dustin Mancl, Chief Academic Officer
Dr. Dustin Mancl, Chief Academic Officer

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