21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Program

The Clark County School District is preparing to submit a competitive proposal to the Nevada Department of Education to expand the Title IV, Part B Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant program. Planning for the specifics of program implementation is ongoing and student, parent, and community input is encouraged. The public
may contact Dawna Alexander, Coordinator, at 702-799-1196 or send an email at odeaad@nv.ccsd.net for additional information.

The grant application must be submitted by April 30, 2021. If awarded, this federally-funded grant will expand afterschool programming that provides students with evidence-based academic and enrichment opportunities. Activities linked to math and literacy performance indicators are designed to reinforce students’ regular academic program.

To ensure these programs are easily accessible to students and families, the learning centers will be located on school sites. Tutoring and mentoring, homework help, community service/family engagement opportunities, and enrichment activities will be offered at each site. Nonprofits and other community organizations are also eligible to apply for funding. All awarded sites will work closely with various community partners to implement the program.